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Scott Mahlke

$15M to fund U-M, Los Alamos National Laboratory collaboration

The University of Michigan will partner with Los Alamos National Laboratory to develop advanced computing technologies to address critical challenges.

A look back at 25 years of University of Michigan innovation in computer architecture

Nine papers by EECS researchers have been highlighted as among the most significant of the last 25 years in an ISCA retrospective.

Scott Mahlke recognized with B. Ramakrishna Rau Award for accomplishments in microarchitecture

Mahlke’s research interests include energy-efficient processor design, machine learning, architecture synthesis, compilers for high-performance processors, and reliable computer system design.

CSE authors present four papers at MICRO 2022

Thirteen CSE co-authors had work accepted at the conference, including one Best Paper nominee.

CSE researchers win best paper award at HPCA 2021

The paper introduces new hardware and software design principles to improve the performance of several important large-scale irregular workloads.

Scott Mahlke named Fellow of the ACM

Mahlke designs next-generation computer systems whose hardware is customized to the software it will be running.

Nine CSE graduate students recognized by NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program

The nine students represent a broad range of research areas in the department.

Top students recognized in EECS 583 Optimization Contest

Five students take compiler optimizations to a new level with speculative loop optimization

Taking on the limits of computing power

By harnessing the power and speed of graphics processing units, a University of Michigan startup can dramatically accelerate gene sequencing, shortening tasks that took multiple days to a single hour.

Beyond Moore’s law: $16.7M for advanced computing projects

DARPA’s initiative to reinvigorate the microelectronics industry draws deeply on Michigan Engineering expertise.

CSE researchers win Best of SELSE award

Three researchers with Michigan CSE affiliations have won the the best paper award at the 14th Workshop on Silicon Errors in Logic – System Effects (SELSE).

BugMD: automatic mismatch diagnosis for bug triaging

Bugs that are not caught before a product is released can cost companies billions of dollars.

Award-winning EECS 2016 Graduate Student Instructors & Instructional Aides recognized

To celebrate the contributions of our graduate and undergraduate instructors, the department selects the best of the best, based on student evaluations, and celebrates them at a special awards ceremony.

Two Michigan Papers Share the Best Paper Award at MobiSys 2015

In an unusual turn of events, we've tied with ourselves for this one.

Scott Mahlke Receives Micro Test of Time Award

His 1992 paper describes problems associated with utilizing conventional compiler support for predicated execution, a technique for dealing with conditional branches in application programs, on superscaler processors. It introduces the hyperblock, a structure to overcome those shortcomings.

Scott Mahlke Elected IEEE Fellow for Contributions to Compiler Code Generation and Automatic Processor Customization

Mahlke's research has been focused on the design of customized multicore processors, accelerators, and systems consisting of both that are higher performance, lower power, and more reliable.

Winners announced in Annual Code Optimization Contest

Researchers funded to develop a leap forward in Processor Architectures

The project proposes to produce a parallel heterogeneous 3D near-threshold computing system with unprecedented energy efficiency.

Hyoun Kyu Cho Awarded Rackham Predoctoral Fellowship for research aimed at improving the programmability of parallel systems

New $28M Center will develop computers of 2025

2011 EECS Outstanding Achievement Awards

Congratulations to these outstanding faculty members!

EECS Faculty receive 2010 HP Labs Innovation Research Awards

2009 College of Engineering Awards

Work in software defined radio earns Best Paper Award at MICRO-41

The winning paper describes a commercial prototype processor that targets wireless baseband processing for the next generation of cellular phones.